
Manfred Lord Byron Quotes

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Manfred: The Ultimate Byronic Hero The mysterious and tormented rebel with a heart of gold—he rejects society’s rules, stirs up trouble wherever he goes and blazes a trail all his own—this is the aesthetic for the classic “bad boy” character we know today. We see him in movies, in books and everywhere else in popular culture. He is the anti-hero that the audience can’t help but route for. Before mainstream media swooped in and glamourized our beloved bad boy, writers and readers everywhere knew him by a different name—the Byronic hero. The term “Byronic” is loosely based on Lord Byron, who has a notorious legacy himself. Lord Byron wrote prolifically and most of his characters encompassed similar traits. He is considered to be one of the most …show more content…

Manfred was ruthless in his search for solace. His wished for death and knew it was the only way to end his suffering. This was a dark and obscure happy-ending to Manfred’s story. “Byronic hero presents an idealized, but flawed character whose external attributes include: rebellion, great passion, great talent, lacking of respect for rank and privilege, an unsavory secret past, arrogance, overconfidence or lack of foresight and ultimately a self-destructive manner” (Zhao). All of these characteristics combined make Manfred the ultimate Byronic hero. Although the Byronic hero was only a cornerstone of Romanticism, it had a great impact both then and now. Lord Byron set the standard for dramatic poetry when he wrote Manfred and his work has impacted generations. The Byronic hero has changed immensely throughout the years but there is no doubting the effect this legendary character has had on popular culture. This rebellious, headstrong character is the perfect anti-hero and much more complex than the traditional hero. Byronic heroes, like Manfred, have inspired countless stories over the

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