
Maria Edgeworth's The Bracelet Sparknotes

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In 1796 Maria Edgeworth published a series of short stories in a book entitled, The Parent Assistant where she strives to provide tales to educate eighteenth century British children and their parents. Edgeworth was a firm believer in the rational education of children and focused on rational thinking, and the equal education opportunity for women. In three of the stories within this set, she focuses on a female character. In “The Birthday Present,” “Simple Susan,” and “The Bracelet,” Edgeworth has establishes specific morals and commentary on the education of young women. She was a firm believer in proper education for women, meaning that they had accesses to the same opportunities as their male counterparts. Through these pieces she is able …show more content…

Mitzi Myers explains in “Impeccable Governesses, Rational Dames, and Moral Mothers: Mary Wollstonecraft and the Female Tradition in Georgian Children’s Books,” that “Woman writers used stories for mothers and children and childrearing advice manuals for parents to address broader educational and social issues with a sense of confidence in their power to effect change. Innocent-looking stories about talking animals, heroic girls, authoritative mothers, and worthy peasants served the well-born Georgian woman as a fiction of ideas” (35). We can see this thread run through each of Edgeworth’s stories, as the protagonists are females who are struggling with finding themselves as an individual and still staying true to the society in which they live. Female writers were trying to not only improve the position of their sex, but also improve society.
Wollstonecraft, and eventually Edgeworth, was determined to see women treated fairly, and not merely as props. Her goal, as explained in A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, is perhaps the largest influence on Edgeworth’s texts, but also on other female

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