
Marijuana: Beneficial and Risky

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Marijuana: Beneficial and Risky

Should there be a national legalization of marijuana as a prescription and clinical drug for medicinal treatment? Imagine a loved one lying in bed at a hospital and have just undergone chemotherapy for their cancer treatment. Side effects of chemotherapy have begun and that individual cannot stop from constantly vomiting. Every type of medication prescribed by the doctor has absolutely no effect in relieving the unbearable pain of nausea and headache. The news of medical marijuana as a treatment and pain reliever is nothing new. Patients in other states and countries describe marijuana as the only drug that has a treatment advantage over prescription and medicinal drugs. It may be the only option to …show more content…

In addition, benefits of marijuana include numbing pain, relieving stress, improving appetite, and advancements toward medical treatment. In the article, Marijuana as Medicine, Mack and Joy described stories of several patients who consumed marijuana to deal with nausea and vomiting in the course of chemotherapy. These stories are significant and are a major factor in determining whether marijuana could be a proven treatment. Debra J. Saunders, a syndicated columnist, argues that marijuana can help many seriously ill patients and that its use for medical purposes [ought to] be legalized (Minamide 12). Furthering her argument, she explains that only a physician's permission determines the administration of medical marijuana. According to Representative Mark Souder (R-IN), the debate is over the most scientifically safe and effective way [those] components of marijuana [are] used as medicine (Chapkis and Webb 70). Souder explains the need for a harmless and genuine medicinal drug with little to no risks of side effects. As Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug abuse, explained, cannabis is not just a single contains more than 400 chemicals (Chapkis and Webb 71). Volkow believes that the components inside MM are beneficial as a medical drug, but both of them disagree on the drug, itself as medical. Volkow suggests further research on acquiring the beneficial components in marijuana and

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