
Marijuana Debate

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The Marijuana Debate Cannabis sativa, more commonly known as marijuana, is a highly controversial substance in regards to its’ use for medicinal or recreational purposes. The term marijuana refers to the dried leaves and flowers of the marijuana plant which are most commonly smoked for their psychoactive properties. The current research on marijuana as a medicine and recreational drug is inconclusive, but as research continues and legislation is relaxed marijuana can be utilized to its full potential and may be a good replacement for tobacco, alcohol, and some prescription drugs. One of the arguments that is used by supporters and opponents of the legalization of marijuana are the health gains and losses cause by marijuana. Different studies about the its effects on the body have obtained polar opposite results. Many of these studies have flaws in their scientific research and are influenced by the researcher’s personal bias, making the information invalid. RESEARCH FINDINGS AND QUOTES ABOUT THE STUDIES THAT CONTRADICT EACHOTHER. Marijuana is often compared to legal substances such as alcohol and tobacco. When all of the evidence is examined it is unclear as to why marijuana is …show more content…

I am not the only one to come to this conclusion as 24 states and the District of Columbia have legalized medical marijuana ( These states have different regulations about the amount of marijuana that may be legally possessed and the conditions for which marijuana is a legal treatment. Some states do not allow smoking, they only allow marijuana in liquid, pill, or vaporized form. The legislators and public are becoming more open to marijuana as a medical treatment as more and more studies are being conducted and

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