
Mark Twain And Jack London Essay

Decent Essays

Mark Twain and Jack London both write effectively about earthquakes, however, the stylistic elements they choose to use differ from the other greatly. They each choose to focus their attention to different aspects during the earthquakes. Although Mark Twain and Jack London both write about the effects of an earthquake, Twain is critiquing how humans within a society react in times of stress, while London discuss how nature will always trump human ingenuity. Within Mark Twain’s “The San Francisco Earthquake” he uses a massive amount of descriptive words to reinforce his tone. These words are able to grasp the reader's attention while simply adding depth to his piece. Due to his satirical writing style he uses compelling adjectives and verbs …show more content…

Some of the people he writes about includes a fat man “squirming and screaming like an impaled madman” who fell only halfway through a glass window. Another example would be the men running out of the barbershops with shaving cream “lathered to their eyes or with one cheek shaved and another still bearing a hairy stubble.” Twain also mentions men and women in their house clothes, or sitting in rocking chairs simply watching ceilings crack. All of Twain’s descriptions of the people during the earthquake go to show that while humans in society today may look as though they have everything figured out, during times of stress and emergency, the true cowardice and instability of people. Twain shows this through his use of effective words and humourous tone. On the contrary, Mark London does not focus his attention on the people during the earthquake in his piece, “The San Francisco Earthquake” but rather writes about how powerful nature can be over man made objects. Unlike Twain, London only refers to people one time in his writing. This is because rather than writing about society during an earthquake he instead writes about the strength a natural disaster can have on something as well built and massive as San

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