
Mark Twain's Cannibalism In The Cars

Decent Essays

Mark Twain is a prestigious writer who loves the humorous stories above all else. Writing Cannibalism in the Cars Twain exaggerates how the humorous stories are the favored stories. Twain grasps the reader with humor using hypophora’s, irony, and allegory. Hypophora is when a writer raises a question and then immediately provides the answer for it and is used when said writer is not actually wanting the reader to answer the question, but to think of wider perspectives. Mark Twain uses hypophora’s to create a humorous affect in his story Cannibalism in the Cars, which he brought out in his answering of his own questions. Just the thought of how Messick would tasted “tough? Ah, he was very, tough.” Twain used an hypophora to exaggerate the humor found in hid short essay. Therefore, Twain used hypophora which helped to contribute to the team and running events. …show more content…

The use of irony in Twains story brings out how the senators cannot distinguish between their work and real life. The conversation he makes up between the senators is thought to be civilized and respectable, however the senators are debating on who they should eat for dinner. Like as in when the meeting started when someone said “Gentleman. It cannot be delayed any longer.... We must determine which of us shall die to furnish food for the rest,” but M. John Williams said he nominated “Mr. Danial Slote of New York”. Thus, the civility that the senators were making an argument, which proves that out of the devices used was irony and is one which provides humor that pleases Mark Twain’s adoration for humorous

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