
Martin Luther King Birmingham Jail Essay

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Martin Luther King, Jr. uses multiple points to explain the reasoning behind his actions to his critics. He argues against the claim that his actions are “unwise and untimely”. King starts by explaining the reason for his actions, why he is in Birmingham. He talks about Birmingham’s extreme injustice and need for help. These points serve as an introduction to the rest of the letter and provide information, such as the fact that Birmingham has more unsolved bombings of black buildings than anywhere else in the U.S., that helps the reader understand context for the rest of King’s actions. The next point King makes explains why he chose to use tension to the movement's advantage. Since it is nonviolent, King says that it is needed to make …show more content…

These people would rather stay at a comfortable, albeit unjust, state than fight for fairness. He connects this point to another, that we should not stop trying to gain our rights if we might cause violence in doing so. Together with other supporting points, like how some African-Americans are also inactive, these points urge people to take action. He moves into a section about the criticism about him being an “extremist”. King says that extremists might actually be needed and compares to historical figures, like Jesus, who might have been considered extremists. This part appeals to religious folk who admire figures such as Jesus and might be swayed to take action. King wraps up with a criticism of the church, specifically the white church, who had not taken action in favor of the Civil Rights movement. This section could also have stood to be shorter, as his major points, how the church has gone from forging new paths to following those already forged and how there are some exceptions in people that have been prosecuted for their choice to help the blacks, could be given equally as effectively in much fewer words. Much of King’s piece was wordier than necessary and would have been more engaging for the general

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