
Martin Luther King Jr.: Civil Rights Activist

Decent Essays

Martin Luther King Jr was an American Baptist and a Civil rights activist. Martin Luther is one of the most famous political activists along with Malcolm X, Rosa Parks, and even Jackie Robinson who was a professional baseball player. Each and everyone played a part in society because each one had to deal with the problems in society in order for them to be themselves. Martin Luther King Jr was born January 15, 1929, in Atlanta. Martin thrived as a student and skipped the ninth and the eleventh grade. Due to him being very bright he started college at a young age even though he was a smart person there were still everyday problems he faced. Martin's father had a strong take on segregation and felt as if it was against god's will and a lot of his beliefs rubbed off on Martin. As a civil rights activist, King gained many followers with for his beliefs that segregation should stop. One …show more content…

It was a little bit of doing what morally wrong even though society doesn't accept it and that society creates problems because Martin went through a lot of things that he shouldn't have had to go through. The fact that people saw Whites as the superior race and thought that black people were nothing is insulting and downright disrespectful. As a proud African-American, I can't and won't ever understand how people can think everything they are doing is alright. The killing of Emmett Till and Tom Robinson both stand out to me. While one is a true event in which a black boy was killed at for whistling at a white women and the people responsible were acquitted, and the other being a black man who was charged with rape even though he didn't commit the crime. While there are a lot of good takeaways from what has happened due to Martin Luther and many activist after him there is still the question that no one's really been able to answer. Will racism ever go

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