
Marxism In 1984, By George Orwell's 1984

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The dystopian novel 1984, written by George Orwell, depicts the life of Winston Smith as he lived it in the year nineteen eighty four. Winston is a low-ranking member of an entity called the Party, the governing body of the city of London. The Party is represented by a single figure known as Big Brother, an all-knowing and an omnipresent factor in the lives of those that follow the Party. Although no one knows who he truly is, Big Brother still holds tremendous weight in the lives of Party members. The structure of the government in the novel mirrors the principles of Marxism, an economic system that focuses on the means of production and class struggle within a given society (Jakse ).In 1984, George Orwell uses key principles of Marxism to convey the Party’s ability to naturalize its dominance over the inhabitants of Oceania. The Party naturalizes the dominance that it has in the way that it constantly conducts surveillance on its members. Through the use of devices called telescreens, the government is able to observe every movement and sound made in the homes of members, on the streets of Oceania, and in the workplace. These telescreens act as modern day webcams and make the government privy to all things going on in the city. The footage transmitted from these screens is monitored by the Thought Police, and it is this government body that determines whether or not one is guilty of a crime. Since the members of the Party are so accustomed to being constantly

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