
Mary : A Year Old Female With No Disabilities Essay

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“Mary” is a six-year-old female with no disabilities. She currently attends a private school and struggles to meet first grade academic expectations. Mary has been coming to me for tutoring since February 2016. She performs off-task behavior six times in a sixty-second-time frame. The off-task behavior consists of off-topic conversation, crawling under the table, tapping pencil on the table, and avoiding eye contact with the assignment either by staring at a wall, ceiling, table, or the adult. Mary is tutored for approximately five hours per week. The tutoring sessions occur on Monday and Tuesday for one hour; plus, Wednesday and Thursday for one and a half hours. Mary’s tutoring occurs at a house in a dining room (7 ft x 12ft). She is brought to me after school by either her mother or uncle. We are the only people in the house. Mary has two or three homework assignments to complete every afternoon. In addition to homework, we work on supplemental materials provided by me to improve her understanding of the concepts presented in the homework assignments. Tutoring sessions are finished by 4:30pm most afternoons. The setting and times are the same for each of the ABC observations. Permission was obtained from the mother prior to gathering data. During the ABC observation on Monday, Mary was asked to read the decodable book brought home from school. The directions from the teacher states that the students have read the book in class at least three times.

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