
Mary Shmich's Commencement Speech

Decent Essays

“Advice, like youth, probably wasted on the young” is the actual title of a column featured in the Chicago Tribune that has become a legend, commonly known as the commencement speech entitled, “Wear Sunscreen”. Mary Schmich’s now infamous words were first published by the Tribune on June 1, 1997. They were subsequently, albeit inaccurately, attributed to the notorious author, Kurt Vonnegut, for his alleged address at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology graduation. This is one of the first instances of something to “go viral” as it circulated through the early internet, primarily via email (Caro). Those same words made their way to Australian movie director Baz Luhrmann, who in a collaborative effort, put them to music in a song titled, “Everybody’s Free (to wear Sunscreen)” which made it all the way to number 45 on Billboard’s Hot 100 list in April of 1999 (Billboard). In her fanciful reflection of how she might address a graduating class, Schmich’s began with the hook, “Ladies and gentlemen of the class of ’97: Wear sunscreen” (Schmich). Whether or not these words were ever …show more content…

Her tenure and success as a professional writer gives her credibility as an author. However, there was nothing particularly different or extraordinary about this particular piece that would have attracted attention. She wrote in her usual style that employs customary pattern of short sentences that relatable yet pithy. This effective use of aphorisms grabs and holds the attention most readers, especially those with short attention spans. Additionally, she displays an exceptional ability to make use of the mundane by making it appear extraordinary. The fact is, her talent in the realm earned a Pulitzer Prize for Commentary in 2012, “for her wide range of down-to-earth columns that reflect the character and capture the culture of her famed city”

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