
Mary Wollstonecraft Influence On Women

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“I do not wish women to have power over men; but over themselves” (Wollstonecraft). This famous quote, written by Mary Wollstonecraft, wraps up her entire ideology about feminism in a single sentence. Wollstonecraft did not wish women to be superior to men, she only wanted women to have the ability to support themselves. In the early 19th century, women and men played remarkably different and completely separate roles in society. The men commuted to work and left their wives home all day to tend to the duties of the house, as well as take care of the children. Women were uneducated and rarely went to school after the eighth grade. Women were considered physically weaker than men, and were also unable to vote. Women were expected to become obedient wives and caring mothers to their children. This was reality for many years until women began fighting for equal rights. One of the key figures in this battle was Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797). Wollstonecraft has long been recognized as one of the most influential feminist theorists …show more content…

In this time period, women were not concerned with education, and rarely continued school after the eight grade. Women were focused on being physically attractive, and learning pleasure skills such as art, and music, to entertain guests and their husbands. Wollstonecraft insisted that women spend more time on their studies, as she explains in the Vindication of the Rights of Women, “In public schools women… should be taught the elements of anatomy and medicine, not only to enable them to take proper care of their own health, but to make them rational nurses of their infants, parents, and husbands” (Wollstonecraft 82). In this statement, Wollstonecraft is wisely appealing to both women and men, because in this case, the women still uphold their job of being the primary caretaker of the children, while also having access to a quality

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