
How Did Marxism Contribute To The Rise Of Industrial Capitalism

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The Marxist conception that the material basis of human life is determinant of all other societal spheres, is contingent upon the human creative capacity for production. Perceiving man as “at all events a social animal,” Marx regarded history as the union of the social relations of production and the mode or techniques of production, culminating in the superstructure of society (Capital 444). From his account of history as the succession of “social formations,” characterized by antagonistic class structures and their respective modes of production, Marx interprets economic factors as the primary causal constituents of social life, that money binds human life and society altogether. Max Weber, however, contended that the rise of industrial capitalism could be rationalized by an emphasis on the ideas manifested particularly in the Protestant religion. He underscored the moral values and norms which pervaded Protestant societies and the reciprocal process by which religious ethics are swayed by economic and social catalysts and vice versa. Weber thus fostered a more dynamic conception of modern capitalist society, where ideas, namely the spirit of capitalism, rather than economic preconditions theorized by Marx, were instrumental forces in examining the origin of the capitalist system, how it evolved, and how it manifested itself into its present form.
Marx believes human history is characterized by social struggles. The modes or techniques of production necessitate relations

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