
Maya Angelou Contributions

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Maya Angelou was a remarkable woman who contributed a lot through her craft as a poet, author, activist, and philanthropist. A large amount of her work was influenced by her past life experiences that added social, cultural, and political topics to her writing. Angelou growing up endured a broken home, segregation, and rape; however, regardless of her woeful beginnings, she became one of the most notable black female writers of our century.
Angelou was raised in a rural area in Arkansas,where she grew up during the Great Depression. Therefore, Angelou saw the hapless effects of increased poverty in her community. She lived with her brother and mother after her parents had divorced, which was looked down upon during this time. Her mother had a boyfriend who sadly raped Angelou at the age of seven. This lead to him being convicted by the court and when he was released from jail he was killed for his crime. This incident affected Angelou deeply and shortly after she became mute. Since she was not speaking, she would pass her time reading literature. Authors like Langston Hughes, W.E.B Du Bois, William Shakespeare, and Charles Dickens are just some of the writers that inspired her to create her own pieces. When she began school, she was excelling in all her studies which brought the attention of her mentor, Ms. Flowers. She gave Angelou one life lesson that stuck with her forever, “It takes the human voice to infuse words with the shades of deeper meaning”( Angelou Caged Bird

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