
Maya Angelou Research Paper

Decent Essays

Good Morning/Afternoon Mrs. Yates and Class,

A powerful woman once said “ I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel” This powerful woman was a civil rights activist, writer and poet, Maya Angelou. Angelou grew up in 1928, in the midst of the Harlem Renaissance, a segment of time where African American culture blossomed and the punished souls of the African Americans were expressed through literature and song. As an African American woman, Angelou experienced first hand racial prejudices and discrimination. Angelou had a rough childhood, with her parents splitting up, and being raped by her mother’s boyfriend at a young age, which made her mute for several years. She faced extreme hardship, racial intolerance and hurt, as at the …show more content…

One event which impacted me was the shocking, heartbreaking death of Emmett Till, a 14-year-old African American boy, who whistled at a white woman, violating the Jim Crow Laws the husband of the women abducted him from his uncle’s house, after beating him they shot him to death and threw his body Tallahatchie River, which sparked international outrage and fuelled civil rights arguments. This story outlines how disgraceful the discrimination was towards the African American population. With Jim Crow laws, Bus boycotts and the Klu Klux Klan, Maya Angelou felt that the only way to make a difference was through literature and music. With this poem mainly being about Race, it also can be interpreted about gender, which makes it universal to all audiences. Everyone interprets poetry based on his or her own experiences and heartaches, I am going to assume that every single person in this room has at one time in their lives felt different, excluded, or not

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