
Maya Angelou Still I Rise

Decent Essays

Art is often inspired by socio-political situations. Universal tensions can be expressed in art and enjoyed by all. “Still I Rise” was written after the start of the Civil Rights movement. This piece is written by Maya Angelou, a double minority, overcoming discrimination in her day to day life. She portrayed her strength and flexibility by being able to overcome inequality. The piece is profoundly optimistic and inspiring. Considering our current socio-political moment, many could reflect on Angelou’s work. Upon reflection readers could gain a sense of unity, togetherness, and flexibility from her inspiring piece. Many minorities have been experiencing discrimination and racism for a long time in this country. This problem certainly has not improved since our current president came into power. Many Americans have …show more content…

This piece was written before the Civil Rights Movement. “I, Too” is also about living through segregation and discrimination. Langston Hughes expressed his hope that eventually, those who discriminated against him will be ashamed and ultimately he will be seen as equal. He says, “Besides,/ They’ll see how beautiful I am and be ashamed-” (15-17). Hughes’ words are profoundly optimistic considering how prevalent racism and segregation were during this time. He remained strong and unaffected by others actions while focusing on how he was also an American. It is inspiring that a singular man was able to overlook segregation in such an elegant way. If people today read this piece it could inspire others to peacefully overlook the racism they experience every day. This is an approach that could benefit individuals as well as large movements including the Black Lives Matter Movement. Larger movements could gain more support if they changed their approach into something more positive. “I, Too” has many similarities to “Still I Rise”. Both pieces could spread hope among

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