
Maya Angelou The Great Depression Summary

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A further excruciating historical collision Angelou was exploited to was the the largest, and deepest economic downward spiral in history, the Great Depression. The Great Depression inaugurated in the early 1930s during Angelou’s adolescence. This economic depression was caused by paramount quantity of stocks prices plummeting to a exiguous amount that provoked a worldwide economic crash. Angelou articulated the profound effect the Depression had on civilians all around the world : “During the summer we went barefoot … The Depression must have hit the White section of Stamps with cyclonic impact … the owners of cotton fields dropped the payment of of ten cents for a pound of cotton to eight, seven and finally five …”(41). This graphs the decrease …show more content…

Furthermore, the barefoot of the children symbolizes the towering amount of poverty during the Depression. The textbook Give Me Liberty! written by historian Eric Foner speaks upon the The Great Depression : “... 4,000 children stood in bread lines each day seeking food … But rural areas, already poor, saw families reduce the number of meals per day and children go barefoot” (801). This paints the drastic image of young children including Angelou being rationed to a fixed quantum of meals, and walking barefoot. This page in history is put into words in a history textbook, and in Angelou’s memoir with her own occurrence in this depression to taunt the degree of corruption, and materialism in American society advancing as far as enabling children all around the world to meander barefoot. To make matters worse in the light of the Great Depression there was massive dust bowls that striked most of the western and southern plains of the United States

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