
Mayan Calendars

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To begin, Have you ever wonder who came up with the calendar we have today? Before the current calendar, we have today there were many different kinds of calendars. When there weren't any calendars, people used the sun, planet, moon, and stars to figure out the season, month, and year. There were many calendars before the current one we have today. One example was the Iraq calendar. The Iraq calendar had divided the days into 12 periods. There were also many errors in the making of calendars, like the Gregorian calendar. Other calendars predicted a lot of things. The Mayan calendar claimed that the world will end on December 21, 2012. These different calendars represent the culture during the ancient times. Next, people depended on the sun, moon, planets, and stars to determine seasons, months, and years. The earliest calendars like the Egyptian calendar were based on the moon cycles. According to Source 1, "The earliest Egyptian calendar was based on the moon's cycles, but later the …show more content…

This helped them solved the theory that the Mayan calendar claimed that the world will end on December 21, 2012. This theory was proven false. They found a lot of things during this excavation. According to source 3, "Maya paintings are incredibly rare, not because the Maya didn’t paint them often but because they rarely preserve in the tropical environment of Guatemala.” Researchers were also impressed by the decorations on the walls. The paintings were rare and intriguing another element festooning the north and east walls. According to source 3, "after examining the figures, experts realized they denoted time spans corresponding to cycles of the Mayan calendar." “This was a calculator, so to speak, for a calendar priest or a Maya astronomer to calculate moon ages." This different types of things were a reflection of their

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