
Mayans And Egypt

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Think about this; think about how right now, in this very moment there are teams of scientists and engineers working to develop better and smarter technology. But in another country far away they could be doing the same exact thing. About 2000 years ago, the Mayans and the Egyptians were exactly like this. They lived on different sides of the world, with the Mayans in Mexico/Central America and the Egyptians in Egypt. Yet both civilizations developed similar inventions and ideas but, used them for very different things. Inventions like pyramids and ideas on religion and culture.

Architecture, the basis of life for the Mayans. Architecture, specifically regarding pyramids. Now, when we think of the word “pyramid” most people will automatically think of the Great Pyramids of Egypt (we’ll get to those). But the Mayans had just as pyramids just as great. See, the technical building of the Maya pyramid was the same as the Egyptians. Both civilizations had pyramids of their own architectural design; Egypt with the well-known triangle and the Mayans with staircases. The use of slaves would help rise the pyramids from the ground, stacking, piling, pulling, and layering stone and clay. The main difference …show more content…

We all want better things in life, some of the same things like the use of technology or agriculture or architecture. The Mayans and Egyptians had the same thoughts, they both wanted to be advanced and compared to most other civilizations during that time period these two were way more advanced. They had thoughts, they had ideas, and they had dreams. The main reason they had different features was mostly to adapt to the environment in which they were living or due to their beliefs and traditions. From these comparisons we can learn that to advanced features we must adapt and dream and strive to accomplish advancing to a greater

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