
Medea Literary Analysis

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Throughout literary history, authors have categorized mothers as nurturing, critical, and caring; works of literature characterize fathers, however, as providers who must examples for their children and embrace their protective, “fatherly” instincts. However, many works’ fathers fall short when it comes to acting the role of the ideal dad. Instead of being there for their children, they are away and play very miniscule roles in their children’s lives; instead of protecting he actually ends up hurting their kids. Thus, the paternal literary lens tries to determine whether or not the work’s father figure fits the “perfect father” archetype. This lens questions whether or not the father figure is his children’s active example, provider, and …show more content…

Though Jason knows his children will leave him, he still makes sure he provides them with a little assurance so they do not initially suffer after they leave him.
In addition to providing for his children, Jason also does complete the role of the protector. When Medea goes on her serial killing spree, Jason only knows that she has killed his new wife. Thus, Jason immediately thinks of his children and arrive as the palace “so [that he may] save the lives / Of [his] boys, in case the royal house should harm them / While taking vengeance for their mother’s wicked deed” (Euripides 391). He knows that the royal family of Corinth might see his sons and want to kill them because they are related to Medea; therefore, Jason wishes to whisk them away to safety before he loses them as well. However, he soon discovers Medea has also killed their sons, and he is absolutely stricken with grief. He mourns for “the boys whom [he] begot and brought up” and questions Medea on how she could have stomached such an unforgivable and sordid deed (Euripides 391). After many accusations from Medea, Jason then begs to see the sons’ dead bodies so that he may burry and mourn them, but Medea “prevents [him] from / Touching their bodies or giving them burial” (Euripides 393). Jason, left without a chance to mourn for the loss of his children, leaves Medea as she blames him for the deaths of their children.
Though many criticize Jason’s because he is a

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