
Medicare Severity-Diagnosis Related Group Case Study

Decent Essays

The Medicare Severity-Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG) is a system that Medicare uses to classify a patient’s hospital stay into groups that facilitate payment of services. The MS-DRG is commonly the system used today because of the increased population of Medicare patients.
Background of the MS-DRGs
In 1983, the government endorsed the system using diagnosis related groups (DRGs) as the payment methodology, for the payment of operating costs associated with Medicare Part A hospital inpatient stays. Based on set rates, this is referred to as the Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS). Each case is placed into a Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group (MS-DRG). Although the system was created by Medicare, other payers have implemented a DRG system, such as Tricare, Medicaid, and Blue Cross. Patients can be assigned to an MS-DRG based on their diagnosis, surgical procedures, age, and other information, this information is provided on the Medicare claim, and Medicare uses this information to decide how much the hospitals should be paid.
Steps for Determining a MS-DRG …show more content…

Step one, Pre-Major Diagnostic Category assignment (Pre-MDC), in this step the principal procedure is used to assign the MS-DRG. Step two, Major Diagnostic Category (MDC) Determination, in this step, the principal diagnosis is used to place the encounter into one of the MDCs. Step three, Medical/Surgical Determination, in this step, it is determined if the procedure performed qualifies, if it does then a surgical code is assigned, if not a medical code is assigned. Step four, Refinement, in this step questions are used to isolate the correct MS-DRG assignment allowing grouping of patients from similar clinical perspective, and like-resource

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