
Medieval Sourcebook: Why Study History Through Primary Sources

Satisfactory Essays

Treyci Krenzer
HST 102
Sep. 3, 2016
From the Medieval Sourcebook: Why Study History Through Primary Sources by James Harvey Robinson, I’ve learned that the difference between primary and secondary sources is the different information that we gain.This meaning that sometimes what we learn from a secondary source may not necessarily cover all of what primary sources may hold. Primary sources are often more helpful if there is truly a want to learn and to get a full rounded education of what really happened in the past. Primary sources are reports of information from a direct witness that saw an important event occur that changed a part of history. Primary sources can usually be found in various documents, manuscripts, …show more content…

In Why Study History? By Peter N. Stearns there are many reasons on why the past has made an impact on today’s time. History offers us answers on how people of other times operated and handled situations within their environments. We can learn from past ideas, strategies, and failures to help further us into the future to become better and even more skilled with our own situations. We can look back to the basics of trends and problems and realize what we must to do differently or learn from to improve today's’ society. History is also who we are as a nation, and as people, it brings understand who we are, why we are the way we are, and even answers question we may not have asked. It brings identity and gives us a purpose for being part of something bigger that we may not necessary not even know we are a part of. Along with understanding people and defining who we are, history as gives us a moral understanding. It lets us learn about people, not in their societies, but who they were as people and makes us think about ourselves. There are stories about people who stood up for what they believed in, who fought for their way of life and worked hard to get to where they ended up being when everyone else said they couldn’t. It makes people of the present stop and thinks about how they can give to their own time and make a difference. It’s different than finding their own identity because it’s working for something greater than just one person, it impacts

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