
Melinda And Mr. Freeman's Effect On Melinda

Decent Essays

Throughout Melinda’s year, there were three different people that really affected her. These people were Mr. Freeman, Rachel and Ivy, and without these people this story might not have even happened or ended the same as it did. Mr. Freeman really affected Melinda in a way that really changed the ending and without him, the ending would have been drastically different. Even from the beginning of the of the book, Melina really connects with Mr. Freeman and she knew that she did because at the end of every marking period, she always gets a really high mark in art. Also, in the chapter where Melinda says that her trees suck and she always makes mistakes when making them, Mr. Freeman says that art is about making mistakes and that people learn from their mistakes. (page 122) You can tell that from this from the paragraph after she says that she needs emotion in her because she really wants to improve in art because she really has a passion for it. After that Mr. Freeman …show more content…

She is referred to as Melinda’s ex-best friend. In the first chapter, Melinda says that she really wants to tell what happened but when she looks at Melinda she mouths the words “I hate you.” (page 5). The way that this affected Melinda is that just this alone can help add to her overall depression. Rachel was the friend that she went to the party with. Just this alone pretty much set the whole mood of Melinda for most of the story. Finally to add to this Rachel even dates Andy Evans which really hurts Melinda until she tells Rachel what Andy Evans did and then Rachel burnt all of the stuff he gave her and ditched him at the prom (page 191). This affected Melinda because she knew that when she told Rachel that at first she didn’t believe her but she came to mind and realized that he actually did do what Melinda. While Rachel didn’t completely negatively affect Melinda she still changed Melinda throughout this

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