
Mental Disorder In Ethan Frome

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The Effects of an Unbalanced Subconscious
Humans by nature are constantly thinking and acting based on different parts of their subconcious. This is true for people in real life, as well as characters in books. In the book Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton, the three main characters have particularly specific parts of their subconscious controlling them, and a psychoanalytic breakdown of each character will determine what section of the brain is influencing each character. Ethan Frome, Mattie Silver, and Zeena Frome are the three characters who all become miserable outcasts, of sorts, due to the lack of balance in their subconscious. Ethan Frome, who this fictional biography is about, is dominated by his id, or inner child and consequently makes very impulsive, childish decisions. His first major mistake that the reader learns about was his hasty decision to marry Zeena. Wharton explains,
After the funeral, when he saw [Zeena] preparing to go away, [Ethan] was seized with an unreasoning dread of being left alone on the farm; and before he knew what he was doing he had asked her to stay there with him. He had often thought since that it would not have happened if his …show more content…

These subconsciously driven battles are fought by either the characters’ id, superego, or in Zeena’s case, both. Concluding their romance with a failed suicide, Ethan and Mattie end up far worse than Zeena; knowing they will never truly be able to be together without the watchful eye of Zeena causes them unfathomable pain. The imbalance of their subconsciouses lead to a series of poor choices which directly resulted in the pain they eventually had to endure. This analysis clearly demonstrates that the blame of the tragic outcome for these three cannot be designated to fate or to Starkfield (“Personal or Social Tragedy?”), but rather to each character’s own

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