
Mental Disorders: The Absence Of Mental Illness

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Mental health affects one’s mood, thinking, and behavior. Different type of disorders are Obsessive-compulsive disorder, which causes repetitive, unwanted, intrusive thoughts and irrational, excessive urges to do certain things. Another one would be Schizophrenia, it causes people to lose touch with reality, in the form of hallucinations, delusions, and disordered thinking and behavior. There are many other mental disorders, but know one thing, mental disorders are just as important as a physical illness and should be taken seriously. One in five adults experience a mental disorder, while one in twenty adults actually live with a serious one. Imagine that being a close friend, or even a family member struggling with a mental disorder. According to National Alliance on Mental disorder or …show more content…

“Experiencing one or more of the following feelings or behaviors can be an early warning sign of a problem; eating or sleeping too much or too little, feeling numb or like nothing matters, thinking of harming yourself or others, feeling helpless or hopeless, etc.” Scientist have discovered that there is no blood test or other biological test to comprehend the presence or absence of a mental illness. Scientists must have forgotten that a mental illness can appear after having multiple events that can be traumatic or stressful to the human brain. According to mental health conditions, A stressful job or a home life makes some people more suitable, as do a traumatic life events like being the victims of crime. According to Allen Frances, ‘mental illness’ is terribly misleading because the mental disorders that are diagnosed are no more than descriptions of what clinicians observe people do or say, not at all well established diseases. An untreated mental illness, may be at increased risk of committing violent crimes, or even becoming victims themselves. According to a huffington post, most often, the acts of violence are perpetrated against family members or someone close to

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