
Mental Health Care System

Better Essays

Modern Psychiatry
The mental health system worldwide has gone through its ups and downs throughout the past. A certain stereotype appears in the common person’s mind when they think of mental illness; frightening hospitals, dangerous treatments, and crime. But in reality, you probably pass people everyday who are struggling with mental illness without giving it a second thought. Five percent of the United States population has been diagnosed with some sort of mental illness, whether it be something minor, such as anxiety, or more severe, being psychosis. Everyone has a different opinion on how those with mental illnesses should be treated, but rarely ever are those affected given options. Throughout the justice system, lesser developed countries, …show more content…

On the one hand, there has been tremendous amounts of progress towards making sure patients receive beneficial and secure care, and also welcoming facilities. More money is invested into the mental health system every year, and the amount of patients has decreased noticeably. The Affordable Care Act implements assistance to the mentally ill, and also to substance abusers. This act requires some employers to provide health insurance to their workers to cover the cost of mental health treatment if needed. 62 million Americans have gained from this legislation, and the number is expected to grow in the coming years. The biggest problem with our mental health care system is that the demand overpowers the supply. Hundreds of thousands of people are left untreated because of a lack of access to care. “Nearly 40% of adults with "severe" mental illness — such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder — received no treatment in the previous year, according to the 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Among adults with any mental illness, 60% were untreated” (USA Today). The solution to our problem is to reach out to those in need, and to have more space in our psychiatric hospitals. Studies show that a decrease in mentally ill people would lead to a decrease in crime, and an increased productivity …show more content…

41 percent of countries have no mental health policy, and 70 percent of second and third world countries do not provide sufficient healthcare to citizens. The reason for this is because in lesser developed countries, there are so many spreading diseases and infections that mental health is simply overlooked. “...tackling mental health tends to be seen as something of a luxury. Aid spending remains focused on the "big three" communicable diseases of HIV/Aids, malaria and TB, with many other health conditions receiving only a fraction of the attention and funding” (The Guardian). There is not enough money for every issue to be solved, precipitating a scarcity in mental health care. In 2008 the WHO launched the Mental Health Gap Action Program, which intended to gain awareness for mental health around the world. In every country, the amount of patients left untreated is far too

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