
Mesopotamia Technology Advancements

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Thousands of years ago, permenant civilizations started to begin and grow. Surprisingly, some of those civilizations are still forming today. Wonder which was the first civilization? Mesopotamia is believed by historians to be the world’s first permanent civilization. A permanent civilization is a society that was able to stay in its place without having to move from the lack of food and geographical conditions. Not only was Mesopotamia the first permanent civilization, but it was one river valley civilization that thrived for hundreds to thousands of years. Because of it government, achievements, and geography, this ancient civilization prospered with advancements of government, developments of technology, and protections from the land. Firstly, …show more content…

This technology isn’t defined as the technology today, but they are advancements to make life easier for people’s lives. With the advancements, Mesopotamia could rise above other civilizations. For example, one invention was cuneiform which was the first writing system. This surely was one of the greatest developments throughout history because it kept business records, trading records, and it started literature and mathematics. Alongside to cuneiform, people could write down their studies in math and science. They transcended in math because they created the twelve month year, the 360° circle, the 60 minute clock, and calculations of area in rectangles and triangles. In science, they wrote down lists from animal names to plant names to mineral names which helped them with medical researches. They used the lists of scientific names to make herbs and cures to heal a sick or hurt person. On that account, in Mesopotamia less people were sick so they could do their job and the population wouldn’t decrease because of disease. Instead, there would be cures and relieves to keep the population up. Additionally to education, the wheel was invented. This could easily transport people and things to other places by making carts and wagons. Also, this wheel created the potter’s wheel which made bowls, plates, and other dinnerware. As well as the wheel, they made the plow which induced agricultural crops. With a plentiful amount of food, there wouldn’t be hunger problems. With all of these achievements made Mesopotamia could thrive because the achievements kept many problems from uprising. All things considered, Mesopotamia’s achievements supported it into great

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