
Mesopotamian Women

Decent Essays

There were several differences between Egyptian and Mesopotamian women dealing with all aspects but I will touch basis on just a few of those differences. I wanted to address about their political differences and how their political differences separate their livelihood. I also wanted to address how economically different from each other. And lastly, I wanted to describe their religious beliefs from each other. . They were both interesting civilizations and I found it interesting to how the women lived their lives. Both of these were divided into social classes but shared some similar social and power standings. In both of these societies, the King is in the first class followed by wealthy merchants and then the farmers, unskilled workers, …show more content…

Egyptian and Mesopotamian societies are similar because they share the same concept of having a single ruler. The differences are that in Egyptian society the political rule is a theocracy and in Mesopotamian societies it is a monarchy. They are both divided into social classes. We remember from the earlier that the major difference is being that women in Egyptian societies have more rights than those in Mesopotamian societies. Egyptian civilization was a dynasty and passed down the power to the son, whereas Mesopotamia was just a monarchy didn’t necessarily pass down the power to the son. In Egypt the pharaohs, were believed to be gods, therefore it was a theocracy and he had total control. Unlike Egypt, Mesopotamia was a monarchy, and it was believed that their rulers were descended from the gods, but not the gods. To be fair we need to understand that Egyptian women had more opportunities and respect. Egyptian women participated in their government process more. They were allowed to hold government positions, such as the pharaoh. Since Egyptian women had a good status, they were respected and treated equally, unless they were a lower class. Politically speaking Mesopotamian women had a little respect and no opportunities. They were not respected and they were not treated equally. Mesopotamian women had a lower status than the men of Mesopotamia. Their job was to stay at home to take care of children, cook, and clean. Mesopotamian women were not allowed to hold any government positions. They were also not allowed to have enough freedom compared to what Egyptian women were

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