
Metaphors By Sylvia Plath Essay

Decent Essays

The poem “Metaphors”, by Sylvia Plath, is a poem about a woman who is newly pregnant and resents the pregnancy. For once she becomes pregnant she became less of a person and more of a transport for something more important. Plath shows the feeling of this woman through metaphors, and allusions that all hint at the inner pain this woman is feeling when she is pregnant. The very structure of this poem clues its readers onto what it’s about. With nine lines it is very easy to make the connection between this poem’s structure and the nine month gestation period of the human. The first line, in fact, speaks about the very beginning of a woman when she is first pregnant. “I’m a riddle in nine syllables” (line 1) the riddle which she is alluding to is the uncertainty that surrounds pregnancy. ‘Will this baby survive?’ ‘Am I pregnant?’ ‘Who is the father?’ are all questions that may run through woman’s mind. …show more content…

An elephant is the largest land animal in the world and when woman compares herself to it then she means to say that she is huge that she is heavy. A woman who feels too heavy and is weighed down with back aches and pains from this added weight onto her stomach can get resentful very fast. The next part does not ease up this sense of resentment either, “a ponderous house”, ponderous means slow from its weight and a house is a metaphor for a pregnant woman for people merely see her as a pretty decoration for what is important inside, merely a shelter for something better. A fact which any person will become resentful

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