
Michel Foucault : Care Of The Self

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In 399 bc, Socrates was sentenced to death for various alleged crimes against the city of Athens. He was convicted under false pretenses therefore his death was unjust, and this will be proved throughout the course of this paper. Socrates was not guilty of any of the crimes he was convicted of because he did not encourage others to act a certain way, rather he evoked discourses that would make his peers to profess on their own. Michel Foucault, a french philosopher and historian who had very high regards to socrates had a cathartic take on the controversy. Foucault associated socrates with self-care and truthful pursuits. Foucault’s understanding and regard for ancient greek society had him arriving at some thought-provoking conclusions. For instance, the Greeks stressed the importance of proper use of all pleasures, (cheresis) and Foucault coined the idea as ‘Aesthetics of The Self.’ This essentially a process of the self creating a beautiful and enjoyable existence.
“According to one line of Foucault’s thought, the “care of the self” is an ethical imperative found in ancient Greek and Roman philosophy in which one performed practices on oneself in order to free oneself from desire and live a good life. Another line of interpretation reads the care of the self as a way to access the truth in contrast to the way we do so through the “know thyself.” While the guiding assumption of the know thyself is that there is a pure, unchanging truth to be uncovered, the care of the

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