
Micro System Is An Individual (Kirst-Ashman & Karen K.,

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Micro system is an individual (Kirst-Ashman & Karen K., 2014, p.24). An individual system is made up of their “emotions, personality, beliefs, behavior, interests, goals strengths and weakness that make a person unique (Kirst-Ashman,el, al, 2014, p.24). My micro system consists of factors that have made me who I am today. I am the youngest out of nine children. My parents had only wanted eight children, but I was an accidental case, which is why I have a twenty years age difference with my oldest siblings. I have five sisters who have gone to college and graduated with a degree in business and administration; while three of my brothers have graduated with their high school degrees and my parents have not obtained any degree, they only …show more content…

In a game with my partner, I learned to build trust and have faith that my partner will have my back or side; even though it is not always guarantee, as my partner and I can only go so far and that we cannot always win all of our games. To be a part of the club, for the environmental club anyone can join and learn how to help the earth and become more sustainable. This clubs elaborates that one person can make a difference on the earth. If one person can make a change and then take what they learn and teach it to others, they can slowly start to change the world together. While the flower club was a nonprofit club in the school as it was more of a home economical club, where we learned to arrange flowers, bake goods and do decoration. This club is focuses on women’s traditional role setting but it helps me keep in touch with my feminine roles, and the club was a first come first serve as spots were limited. Through these small groups at school, I learned to strengthen my weakness like learning how to arrange flowers prettily and bake goods that we can sell and bring in profit for the club. Furthermore, I learned techniques to hold my tennis racket, how to hit the ball and I learned how to develop trust with my partner, as we are playing as one during a game. The outcome of these small groups that I am in; I have found that people tend to stick together if they have commonality

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