
Middle Childhood Essay

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Freeze Tag, is another variation of the game Tag. Where the person who is “it” tags everyone but instead of being out of the game once tagged, the person will be frozen in place until another player “un-freeze” the player, for instance by touching the frozen player on the shoulder. Freeze tag, first begins by gathering a group of players, deciding on who is “it”, determining this may be volunteering oneself or playing a game like rock, paper, scissor. After determining the person who is “it”, he or she will count up to a number allowing the other players to scatter, giving them enough time to get away from the person who is “it”. When the person is finish counting, he/she will chase others to tag, once they are tagged; the person is …show more content…

These formations of strategies are presented through Piaget, Concrete-Operations.
The characteristics of the Concrete operation (Lightfoot, pg397-398) that we can focus on is identity, logical necessity, conservation, and reversibility. Identify is where children realize that even though the child is tagged by the person who is “it” there is no addition or subtraction of anything from the child to alter the child, personality or form. Through logical necessity they are appeared frozen, following the rules of the game and thorough logical reasoning they are able to determine, that they are not actually frozen but rather they are pretending to be. Children comprehends that the person who was tagged is not actually frozen but rather they are only their appearance is view so, acting like they are frozen shows signs of the ability to understand, conservation. They also, are able to apply reversibility to the game, understanding that the person who is frozen can be un-frozen after they been tagged by the person who is “it”, by the same action of another player tagging them.
Their mental operation is more pronounced, capable to assess their own thoughts and is more organized in their thought process, able to think about different solution, ideas and alternatives, as well as the cause and effects of their actions.

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