
Migrant Farm Workers In America

Decent Essays

TJ Edgar Flushing

Migrant farm workers in America go through struggles that middle class and privileged people of any race couldn’t even begin to comprehend without deep research. The types of pain that migrant farm workers endure on a day to day basis is incredible. As the consumers in a modern capitalist society, middle-class Americans are the reason that migrant farm workers have to raise their kids preparing them to work in servitude. The migrants don't want to work in the harsh conditions but they have to in order to have a “steady” income. Migrant farm workers in America are some of the most vulnerable of the oppressed groups because they work hard for endless hours at a time to provide to …show more content…

There were people who would come by while you were leaning down and doing unwanted physical contact, touching you in ways that you didn’t want to be touched. These were crew leaders, supervisors, even fellow workers. (The Sex Abuse Behind Your Tomatoes)
Migrant women are extremely susceptible to sexual assault and harassment in the workplace because of their vulnerable position. “Women Farmworkers are often systematically subjected to sexual slurs, groping, threats, beatings and even rape in the fields. In California, 80% of farmworker women claim that they have experienced sexual harassment.” (The State of Farm Workers in California, n.d.) Women in the fields don't feel that anything will happen if they go to the authorities about rape, so that is also a driving motivation for the harassment that they …show more content…

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. (US Constitution)
This means that all people in the U.S. legally are under the same protections regardless of where they were born. The U.S. Supreme Court settled the issue (or migrant protection in the U.S. government) well over a century ago. But even before the court laid the issue to rest, a principal author of the Constitution, James Madison, the fourth president of the United States, wrote: that as they [aliens] owe, on the one hand, a temporary obedience, they are entitled, in return, to their [constitutional] protection and advantage. (Yes, illegal aliens have constitutional

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