
Military Deployment Has Affected The Family System

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Throughout many years, military deployment has affected the family system. Especially young children are effected by their parents shipping overseas since they are still are trying to figure out how to cope without guidance during their development into adult years. In this particular study, researchers examined adolescents between the ages of 12-18 to determine their thoughts about their parents going into war. More specifically, researchers wanted to study the children’s experiences with ambiguous loss within their military families. Researchers hope to find ways in prevention and intervention in order to reduce the feeling of uncertainty within adolescents. Sociologists determined that the ambiguous loss theory provides explanation of the youth’s responses from the study. If children are uncertain of their parent’s job entitlement then it helps with grieving, but may lead to depression and effecting future relationship with others. When parental deployment occurs, family life becomes a catastrophe since they are present for a short time. According to Boss, it is hard to set and organize roles and responsibilities in a family setting when one or both supervisors are frequently away. Another factor that was a part of the research was the Double ABC-X framework, created by McCubbin and Patterson. The letter “A” was commonly seen during the sample where parental deployment and other stress factors, such as getting an “A” on a test, bothered the adolescent. In other words,

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