
Millennials in the Workplace

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Millennials: Benefits in the Workplace Melvina Turner University of the Incarnate Word Submitted to Dr. Rochelle Caroon-Santiago In Partial fulfillment of the Requirements of Scientific Literacy in Psych V1 Sp116 (PSYC2320_V1_Sp116) March 2, 2016 Table of Contents Abstract……………………………………………………………………………………………3 Millennials Overcoming Stereotypes……………………………………………………………...4 Benefits of Technology and Mentors……………………………………………………………...5 Future of Millennials and Positive Qualities……...…..…………………………………………..6 Impact on Success………………………………………………………………………………....7 Retention and Promotion………………………………………………………………………….8 Furthering Research………………………………………………………………………..…….10 Conclusion………………………………....…………………………………………………….11 …show more content…

Millennials bring different yet positive characteristics to the working environment, regardless of their stereotypes. They have positive attributes that allow them to overcome their labels, which includes their keen technical skills. As Pummer, Chris (2014) also stated in his article, “Employers may expect that leaning heavily on Millennials tech fluency will translate into an even fast workplace with appreciable bottom-line benefits.” Many employers actually expect that their technological dependency will create a fast paced environment, however their dependency leads to more than just it being fast paced. It leads to other benefits for themselves, employers, employees, and multiple generations. Benefits of Technology and Mentors Technology is an ever expanding field that began during their generation. It just so happened that this generation grew up with such technologies. Their use of the technology is what sets them apart from generations before them. Thielfoldt, D., & Scheef, D. (2004) states that: “Technology has always been part of their lives, whether it's computers and the Internet or cell phones and text pagers.” Generation Y has been subjected to technology since they were born, and it has in turn shaped who they are as individuals. If an individual were to ask a handful of Millennials a question that they didn’t know, and

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