
Minecraft Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

In-game username: Patabum

Age: I am 16 Years of Age, Birthday is September28th

Gender: I am a Male

Location and Timezone: Ontario Canada, EST

How many staff applications have you made, when was your last application made? I have made a Staff Application before. My last application was made a while back, around 6-8 months!

My last application:

How long have you been playing Minecraft? I have been playing Minecraft for about 3 Years now, But I have lost track so could be longer.

How long have you been playing on the server? I have been playing the Server for almost the same amount of time I’ve played Minecraft. My Forums says I have joined on November 3rd, 2013. I joined the …show more content…

I know the responsibilities and the amount of stress being a staff member could cause. I am able to handle such stress and responsibilities in a mature manner.

What makes you a worthwhile helper? What makes me a worthwhile helper is, my personality and my dedication! I am easy going and understanding, I listen to what people have to say. I am also dedicated to get the job done. I don't give up on any jobs that are given to me, until I have put my full 110% effort into it. I dedicate myself to come on the game for 15 hours a day, and I’m always helping players if they need help or have any questions.

Why we should choose you: I believe you should choose me because I am a dedicated player, and I dedicate my spare time to the server. I try my hardest to make the server a better place by reporting those who disobey the rules. I like to make the Jerry and Harry community better for those who are new to the server. I never jump to conclusions; I like to hear both sides of the story before assuming or taking any actions. I also know the responsibilities of being a staff member, I know that being a staff member is no joke, and can’t be something to play

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