
Minesuperior Research Paper

Decent Essays

1. What is your in game name? My In Game Name is Raider20 2. What is your Discord username? (Ex. Name#1234) My Discord username is Raider20#4972 3. What is your legal first name? My legal first name is Zachary 4. What is your age? I am 15 years old 5. What do you plan on doing to help MineSuperior? I have many plans for MineSuperior such as, making the server back to what it used to be, I remember when RMC had 200 people on average and MineSuperior has quite a few people on average and would like to help support the server and keep the servers clean by: Banning blatant hackers using killaura, bhop, speed, anti kb, muting inappropriate/immature people or warning them if its not serious, catching people violating Minesuperior Rules and …show more content…

Have you ever contributed to MineSuperior before? Yes I have bought many things on MineSuperior like, 3000x multiplier on prison, and also King rank and Emperor upgrade, and I have bought 3 of my friends ranks aswell. I have also not only contributed donations to help the server develop and grow bigger but I have also helped many players on all of the MineSuperior server and would like to continute supporting the server in this way. 7. Please describe your previous staff experience (Provide Proof if possible). I used to be a helper and have muted and banned many players that were doing things that they were not supposed to like hacking or saying inappropriate things in chat. I have also been an admin which I did not abuse and/or I've helped people with issues and banned and muted people as well. Sadly I have no proof you just have to trust me or not :( 8. What does it mean to be a staff member to you? It may not sound like it does because its a simple game called minecraft, but it means a lot to me because I have played and supported MineSuperior from the beginning and it is one of my favorite servers and most played servers at the top of my server list. It would mean the world to me to be able to be staff on this amazing server. It really annoys me when people come on the server and have an advantage over innocent people by using hacks, so I would like to keep the servers free of them.

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