
Minos And Zeus Essay

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Minos is a demigod who is the son of zeus god of god of the sky and thunder, king of mount olympus, and son of the almighty king of the titans cronos. His mother Europa was a cretan moon goddess, virgin Phoenician princess, daughter of king Agenor of Sidon. Europa was in the fields with her companions collecting flowers when Zeus noticed them. He quickly saw Europa as the most beautiful of the group. Eros used an arrow to persuade Zeus to approach Europa so he did as a beautiful white bull that Europa thought to be a god. They had an affair and created their sons Rhadamanthus and Minos.
Minos became the king of Crete lived in his palace knossos. This is where everyone was civilized and he became an important role of civilization. Minos remained in direct …show more content…

This resulted in the story of the minotaur, half man half bull. He was fed blood. And Minos obliged to send young men and women to be sacrificed to it. Poseidon made Pasiphae (Minos wife) fall in love with this bull so she made
Daedalus create a wooden bull then she climbed inside tricked the bull and the bulls sperm created the minotaur.Minos obliged to send young men and women to be killed by the beast named the minotaur. The minotaur lived in the center of a maze like structure called a labyrinth in crete. Then the minotaur was finally killed by a hero named Theseus.
Minos was married to pasiphae an immortal daughter of the sun god Helios.She has the power of witchcraft. When the Queen found out minos has been unfaithful she casts a spell on him to create monsters every time he ejaculates to come and kill the people he had affairs with. He was eventually cured by an Athenian girl who was called by Prokris.
When king minos son Androgenus was killed by the minotaur while trying to fight it king minos was upset. And with the help of Zeus they placed a tax on the city of Athens. The tax was to send several young men and women to the chamber of the minotaur to be

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