
Misconceptions About Heaven

Decent Essays

There are 276 references to the word “Heaven” in the New Testament. If there are that many references to Heaven in the New Testament alone, then why do most Americans know so little about it? Nearly half of the people who describe themselves as Christians in a poll conducted by the Barna Research Group believe that people can earn salvation through good deeds. This is of course is contradictory to what the Bible says. People tend to mix different ideas about Heaven in order to develop their own definitition. Historically, different cultures have their own descriptions of the afterlife. Based on statistics, people want to believe in the afterlife; however, we need to approach it from a Biblical point of view. Statistically, most people believe …show more content…

For instance, people who have a Universalist point of view believe that everyone will go to heaven. Although most Americans polled by the Barna Group and Pew Research Center identified themselves as Christians, the majority believed that everyone would be saved. David Kinnaman of the Barna Group stated that Americans tend to mix various ideas about Heaven to develop their own belief of what it will be like. Around half of adults believe that if you do enough good deeds that when you die,you automaticallygo to heaven. Sadly, 59% of adults are confused and think that Christians and Muslims worship the same God. This is also misunderstood by some people who claim to be Christians. Around 25% of born again Christians think that no matter what religion you believe, that they all teach the same lesson and that everyone eventually is saved by God. Most people surveyed described Heaven as a non-physical realm. In contrast, Scripture describes Heaven as a garden, a city, a kingdom, and other physical types of places. Unlike what some people think, Heaven is not our default destination. According to Randy Alcorn, no matter who the person is, no one automatically goes to Heaven. The only way to go to Heaven is through Jesus. Matthew 7:13-14 tells us that “…small is the gate, narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” This leads us to question what happens after

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