
Mixed Culture And Mixed Race Identity

Decent Essays

This section seeks to understand how mixed race individuals’ social identities are shaped by their multiracial heritage by focusing on the growing body of research on development of mixed race identity in a multicultural society. In contrast to traditional, monoracial models of social identity development, a multiracial approach has been necessitated by the expansion of globalization and interracial relationships (Kellogg & Liddell, 2012, p. 525).
In Paragg’s (2017) study “What are you?”: Mixed race responses to the racial gaze on mixed race responses, the author found that many participants had a “ready” identity narrative to questions of racial identity. The study is grounded in the fact that racial gaze is (re)produced when asking the …show more content…

Davenport’s (2016) article The role of gender, class, and religion in biracial Americans’ racial labeling decisions examines how social identities are formed by class, gender and relation and the link between how multiracial people label themselves within a multicultural group. Davenport’s article analyzes the Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) Freshman Surveys from the Higher Education Research Institute at the University of California (LA); students are to take this survey prior to the school year beginning. The survey asks a variety of questions on such topics as ethnic backgrounds, educational history and social interests (Davenport, 2016, p. 65). It is common for mixed raced individuals to question basic fundamental biases, like the ‘check one box only’ on ethnicity questionnaires that often cannot be filled out honestly due to one’s mixed race. Emphasis on racial identity does not necessarily stem from the individual, but from outsiders wishing to classify the individual. Davenport’s findings show that, for the growing mixed race population, racial labelling choices are closely linked to social group attachments, identities and income (Davenport, 2016, p. 78). Limitations of Davenport’s (2016) study include the collection of data from CIRP; the author discusses the possibility that some students may be influenced by the college application process, in which they see racial identification as a part of the admissions ‘game’

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