
Mockingbird Theme

Decent Essays

The mockingbird, one of the most relevant symbols in the novel, directly connects to our main themes of innocence and appearance versus reality. Mockingbirds mimic the sounds of other birds, so it would be a sin to kill a mockingbird based on what sounds they produce since they only imitate what they hear. Lee effectively uses the mockingbird to illustrate pure innocent people who were undeservedly destroyed by the prejudice of society. The narrow-mindedness of the community destroyed two mockingbirds, Boo Radley and Tom Robinson, and robbed Mayella Ewell of living her life to its full potential. The hypocrisy of Maycomb throws it into chaos, thus becoming a dysfunctional society. “Mockingbirds don’t do one thing but make music for us to enjoy. They don’t eat up people’s gardens, don’t nest in corncribs, they don’t do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. That is why it’s a sin to kill a Mockingbird.” (Lee 119)
Every day Tom Robinson would pass the Ewell residence and occasionally help Mayella Ewell with chores, which would ultimately lead to him being charged with raping Miss Ewell. The fact is that the jury had already decided the result of the case before they even entered the courtroom. Most of the people of Maycomb hold the prejudice that because he is black he is presumed to be guilty of the accused offense. This leads to the injustice of him being sentenced even with the solid evidence against the charges.Though the trial targets Tom Robinson, in another sense

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