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Model Research Paper ENG302B: American Literature | Unit 4 | Lesson 1: What is a Research Paper? Model Research Paper The Constitution: A Model of Collaborative Effort By Jeffrey Twinning Who wrote the Constitution? Was it Thomas Jefferson? No, Jefferson was the main author of the Declaration of Independence, but he did not attend the Constitutional Convention in 1787 because he was in France serving as the American minister to that country. Was it George Washington? No, he was president of the convention but used his influence to maintain peace between the arguing factions rather than contributing his own ideas. Was it Benjamin Franklin? No, Franklin, the oldest delegate at age 81, contributed some of his wry wisdom to the debate …show more content…

In contrast to today’s Senate, however, the upper house would be elected by the lower house from a list of candidates proposed by the state legislatures. Meanwhile, the president and the federal judges would be elected by both houses of Congress together. Randolph’s plan gave greatest power to the large states. © 2009 K12 Inc. All rights reserved. Copying or distributing without K12’s written consent is prohibited. Page 2 of 6 Model Research Paper ENG302B: American Literature | Unit 4 | Lesson 1: What is a Research Paper? Those states would have the most votes in the lower house, which would in turn elect the other important branches. Not surprisingly, the smaller states objected to the Virginia Plan. Their alternative suggestion was the New Jersey Plan, which was brought forward by William Paterson. Paterson wanted each state to have one vote in the legislature, no matter how big or small that state was. The plan also gave Congress some additional powers that it did not have under the Articles of Confederation. Both plans failed to gain enough support, but as Brinkley points out, neither Randolph nor Paterson had really thought their plans would be passed (108). The two plans were meant to start debate, and they did. That summer, Roger Sherman of Connecticut put forward a compromise, the Connecticut Compromise, also called the Great Compromise. This plan created a lower house (the House of

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