
Modern Values And Ethics In Socrates, Plato And Aristotle

Decent Essays

In the world there have been various thinkers who have shaped the modern values and ethics that we use in everyday life. In Philosophy we have the big three: Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. Plato was a great ancient Greek philosopher who was a teacher of Aristotle and is best known for his impact as the central figure of Western Philosophy. His main interests were in various categories: education, and of course philosophy. Plato’s dialogue Meno was one his most successful epistemology with giving his viewpoint of virtue and innate knowledge. The full story which I read in high school has 4 core values, Defining virtue, Socrates innate knowledge proof, discussion of virtue being taught and a discussion on why there can be no teachers of virtue found. The excerpt in Cottingham second edition discusses two of the values in virtue and innate knowledge.
Virtue is having the attributes of being morally good/right. In the dialogue Meno begins with his own definition of virtue as doing what is right with your role in life. For example Meno would agree if you were an athlete and the virtue would be to perform to your highest ability in the sport. If were talking bout in that time a warrior’s virtue in Meno’s eye would be being advanced and skillful in combat of war. As Plato recorded the dialogue Socrates does not agree on Meno’s first definition, coming with a counter argument that the definition of virtue should be comparable to every person not to individualize the meaning.

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