
Module 1 Critique Child Advocacy Plans

Decent Essays


Critiquing Child Advocacy Plans

Alma J. Bosket
Child, Family, Community and Culture-ECH-325
Professor Elise Miller
January 20, 2013

Critiquing Child Advocacy Plans Upon discussing with both the local elementary school administrator and the director of the Pre-K program on how they advocate the treatment of abuse to children. I discovered that in identifying and reporting mistreatment of children is very vital in preventing further or long-term harm. When school officials identify abuse they have a duty to report and follow the procedures and guidelines that are implemented in the school …show more content…

Much can be done to reduce child abuse and neglect by strengthening child advocacy and the child protection centers and provide them with the assistance they need to effectively prevent abuse first. Although child abuse and neglect is stems from many reasons and can affect the lives of a child (ren) but with prevention such as home visitation and support groups, by helping parents acquire parenting skills and develop and the ability to comprehend measures that are not violent. In conclusion, it is beyond any agency, facility or government to keep child abuse from happening in today’s society in which children are suffering and perhaps dying from child abuse and neglect. Child abuse and neglect are problems that can be alarming and can cause an amazing psychological and economic direst to the child and the abuser. By identifying early on child abuse can be treated to prevent long term occurrences of abuse. Also through treatment a child(ren) can be taken from that environment and placed into a haven to regain trust and continue to receive on-going support. It is every child’s need to be loved, protected and care for in a way that prevents him/her from maltreatment and harm as well as bringing those who mistreat them to justice. When these children are abused and neglected steps must be taken to ensure their safety.

Child Abuse Policy

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