
Monkey's Paw Persuasive Essay

Decent Essays

Back in 2012, my great-grandmother died 4 days after she was released from the hospital. We automatically blamed the hospital for her passing. When a loved one dies, sometimes the only way to cope is to place blame on someone. We feel like someone must be held responsible for the tragedy. In “Monkey’s Paw” by W.W. Jacobs, the White’s son, Herbert meets a horrific demise. The family uses a monkey’s paw given by a family friend to wish for 200 pounds. Coincidentally, Herbert dies the next day. Many people were involved in this terrible situation, but, at the end of the day, Herbert did not believe in the powers of the paw. He also pushed his father to make such a frivolous wish. Taking into consideration the wreck less actions of Herbert, I have no choice but to place the blame of Herbert’s death into his own hands. …show more content…

Herbert was being sarcastic about the situation, but ended up foreshadowing his own death. “and something horrible…watching as you pocket your ill-gotten gains.” (Bottom of page .36) The horrible thing that Herbert mentioned enticed the paw to make Herbert into the terrifying creature that he made up. Herbert is saying that he will never see the money because the paw does not work. “and I bet I never shall.” (Middle page. 36) He is just foreshadowing his own death again. His not believing in the paw’s powers encouraged the paw to be sure that he would never see the money by killing him. Herbert told his father to make the wish that ended up killing him. “Well, wish for two-hundred pounds…” (Top page. 36) The next day, Herbert got killed in the machinery. The family got the money from Herbert’s death. As shown, Herbert is

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