
Montag's Loss Of Knowledge In Fahrenheit 451

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The Society Needs Knowledge Knowledge is power, people cannot live without it. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury tells the story of Guy Montag, who used to be a fireman who burns books. But through all his struggle, he feels oppressive, and dedicates himself to rebuild the city. Bradbury provides a warning to prevent a future society doomed to destroy itself. In Montag’s society, the government is manipulative of its citizens. At first, it seems Montag wants to burn books, but later he questions himself. After he sees a woman willing to burn with her book, it makes him sick. Beatty visits him that inspire him to be a better man. “Burn the book. Serenity, Montag, Peace, Montag. Take your fight outsides. Better yet, into the incinerator. (Bradbury 63)”. Beatty, who represents the government, thinks reading causes confusion and unhappiness. If people do not read, they will not gain knowledge. The government will maintain total control. People would have no creativity, or …show more content…

People act like robots, even with their families. People rarely talk and they talk in fragments. When Montag mentions Clarisse, an affable neighbor of Montag, Mildred who has a cold heart, acts unnormal. “Oh, yes. No, oh, I know the one you mean. Her, I meant to tell you. Forget, forget. (Bradbury 51)” Mildred, as a human being, Montag’s wife, is completely cold, and devoid of any emotional, or intellectual substance. Her only attachment is to the “family” in the soap opera. At Mildred’s house, there are three walls with TVs in the parlor, but Mildred even wants another one. When Montag asks her to turn the TV off, she said, they are her family. There is also a scene when Beatty is trying to burn the house with book in it, an old lady is still in there, and she would not leave the house. Eventually, she burns herself. People cannot survive if there is no communication going

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