
Montresor Unreliable Narrator

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Is this a confession done out of remorse, or a proud boast over an accomplishment? “The Cask of Amontillado” is a short story written by Edgar Allen Poe focusing on the ark themes of betrayal, murder, and revenge. The story is told from the point of view of the narrator, Montresor. He is insulted by a man named Fortunato and vows to get revenge on him. Montresor reveals his inner thoughts and actions while slowly unfolding his plan that ultimately leads to the death of Fortunato. The character, Montresor, is an unreliable narrator because he is vindictive, manipulative, and cunning.
When Montresor is first introduced, the reader can easily identify Montresor as an unreliable narrator based on his unreasonable need to get back at Fortunato. He begins his recollection with words of exaggeration, recalling the “thousand injuries” (Poe 179) he endured, and the insult Fortunato had “ventured upon” (Poe 179). There is no further explanation on what would warrant such resentment before he quickly transitions to his definition of revenge:
From this paragraph alone, Montresor has a few requirements for committing a successful in his revenge: one, plan well enough to be able to inflict retribution without consequences. Two, make sure the offender is fully aware of who the punisher is and why that act of vengeance is happening. After making sure that they were alone, Fortunato continues to follow Montresor down the cold, damp vaults where the cask of Amontillado is kept. Once they

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