
Moral Decay In The Great Gatsby

Decent Essays

The various settings that exist in the two novels add a physical representation to the moral decay of the characters. Each individual location acts as a background to the immorality of the novel, and symbolizes an element in the process of decay based on the events that occur there. Both novels contain locations that illustrate sin, punishment, and escape, and the descriptions of these settings helps reinforce the idea of decay. Geography is an important motif in The Great Gatsby in that different cities and states represent different aspects of moral decay. The large distances between the locations help to depict a component of the immorality itself. The ease of movement between the places hints at wealth, which influences the decay of the characters. It also …show more content…

The valley’s physical decay caused by the factories is symbolic of the punishment for greed: it is the destitute citizens of the Valley that pay for the excess of the wealthy. The citizens also pay for sins on an individual level. Myrtle, a resident of the Valley of Ashes, is killed by Daisy whose wealth protects her from her crime. The lies that save Daisy deflect her punishment onto Myrtle, who pays for the carelessness with her life, and Wilson, who is tormented to suicide as a result of Daisy’s lack of morals. Wilson, a broken man, looks “to the ashheaps” as he mourns(pg 169), as they are a symbol of how the acts of the wealthy punish the poor. The Valley of Ashes is physically and figuratively “solemn dumping ground” (25) of the rich, and the source of punishment for their moral decay, though they are not the ones who are punished. Throughout the novel, Nick mentions the Midwest as the authentic, moral place where he grew up and, at the end of the novel, escapes back to. The West is a significant setting as it is not only Nick’s home, but where all of the main characters originated from. Nick notes that although the events of the novel take place in the East, the novel is “a story of the West”

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