
Moral Judgment In Ayn Rand's Anthem

Decent Essays

In her essay, “How Does One Lead a Rational Life in an Irrational Society?” Ayn Rand said, “By pronouncing moral judgment, one protects the clarity of one’s own perception and the rationality of the course one chooses to pursue”. Ayn Rand also wrote the book Anthem, which is the story of an “irrational society” (“How”) that terminated moral judgement. Equality 7-2521 slowly rediscovers judgement, and individuality. Equality was free of error in condemning the leaders of the society that he left. They deceived an entire society into believing that they are not their own person, but that they are exclusively a part of “the great WE” (Rand 19). Equality was making a “moral judgement” (“How”) by denouncing the councils and leaders of his society, …show more content…

By the end of the book however, he thinks differently, having negative feelings of the councils that led his society, he shouted “You fools! You fools!” (Rand 75) as he leapt through a window to escape the world council’s judgement. The story of Anthem is Equality discovering the truth about ego and being a person, and by doing so falling away from the society. In order to discover the fact that he is an individual, he had to go against the councils that he served before. Equality rebuked the council, and did so correctly because he needed to decide that he was against them. Ayn Rand said in her article, “…to pronounce a moral judgement is an enormous responsibility,” …show more content…

I think that he would read it and agree with everything in it. If he had not made a “moral judgement” (“How”) against the leaders of the society, he would have stayed a mindless follower of them. “Judge and prepare to be judged,” (“How”), was Ayn Rand’s philosophy for moral judgement. Equality knew that he was going against the laws and statutes of the society, however he was prepared to be judged. He criticized the councils, and knew that they would try to put him to death or some other punishment for his actions, so he fled to the uncharted forest. “…a man is to be judged by the judgements he pronounces” (“How”). If someone is judged based on their judgements, then it kind of defines who they are in a sense when they make judgements. Therefore, the people in the society in Anthem ceased to make moral judgements, and so all became in agreement with each other. Nobody makes judgements, nobody makes their own individual, so nobody is different from one another. I think that in Equality’s new society that he plans to make, there will be moral judgements made, and it may cause disagreements, but that makes people different from each

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