
Morality In The Crucible

Decent Essays

The burning Crucible crowns those who firmly withstand the trial of faith even when the fatal fire is imminent. Though those who remain faithful to God die, they are martyrs who will be honored for their integrity forever; though those who succumb to the devil live, they are cowards who will be condemned for their treachery forever, which is indicated in the Old Testament, “Woe to those who plan iniquity, to those who plot evil on their beds!” (Micah 2:1). In the play The Crucible by Arthur Miller, Abigail Williams yields to the temptations of the devil and uses the idea of virtue and piety to advance a selfish and malevolent agenda by: pretending to be an upright Christian, destroying the person that she loves the most, and prosecuting her companion on witchcraft.
In Act I, Arthur Miller exposes Abigail’s brutal nature by depicting a scene in which she drinks the blood of a sacrifice in order to curse Elizabeth Proctor and cause her death. Rev. Paris witnesses the group of girls dancing during this diabolical assembly and asks Rev. Hale to investigate any signs of witchcraft in his house. After realizing that claiming to seek redemption from God for dancing with the devil can help her to live, Abigail assertively states, “I want to open myself, I want the light of God, I want the sweet love of Jesus! I danced for the Devil; I saw him in his book; I go back to Jesus; I kiss his hand” (Miller 58). Indisputably, Abigail does not confess solely to save her life, but also for

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